Межрегиональная Федерация Илицюань
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GM, Gatekeeper Sam F.S. Chin, Trvelling with masters.

featuring GM Alex Skalozub and master Daria Sergeeva


Dates: April 19-21, 2024-02-27

City: Almaty, Kazakhstan.

Workshop program (exact time will be announced later, duration of each block is 3 hours with a short break):

April 19:

block 1 - Philosophy, principles and concepts of ILC ZXD,  basic neigong corrections.

April 20:

block 2- Taolu "ILC 21 Form": form correction and applications.

block 3 - Spinning Hands: partner training on the spot and with stepping.

April 21:

block 4 - ILC Butterfly Form taolu and fajin.

block 5 - Sticky hands and qinna.

Bonus for participants:

ILC instructors and students are invited to come to Almaty a few days before the seminar to see the sights of the city, as well as to communicate with the masters in a free informal atmosphere. The tentative dates of the masters' stay in the city are April 15-23, 2024. For those who wish to join for the entire duration or just for the period of participation in the seminar, all additional information on the trip (tickets, accommodation, general sightseeing, etc.) will be provided as it becomes available in the telegram chat "Traveling with the Masters, 2024" after registering for the seminar.

To register for the workshop, you must:

1.       Fill out the online application form to participate.

2.       Make an advance payment of 50% of the seminar fee. For foreign participants payment - upon arrival in Almaty.

3.       Keep track of all information in telegram chat.

The cost of participation in the seminar:

- full program of 5 blocks - with a valid ILC passport - $350, (without ILC passport - $450)

 - one-day visit with a valid ILC passport - Friday $120, Saturday or Sunday - $200/day (without ILC passport - Friday $170, Saturday or Sunday - $250/day.

Online registration form:

© 2002-2015 ОИВТ «КАНОН», тел. (495) 729-30-70, +7 905 711-50-11, email: info@iliqchuan.ru
Адрес клуба: Москва, ул. Коцюбинского, д.9, к.2

Дизайн: Сергей Соколов
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